How to Clear Your Cache in Avada

by | Aug 29, 2023 | Avada Theme | 0 comments

If you’re having issues with how your Avada Theme website displays on the front-end, or changes are not reflecting, it’s worth clearing the Avada cache.

Clearing the Avada cache will reset all dynamic CSS, dynamic JS, clean-up the database, and delete the uploads/fusion-styles and uploads/fusion-scripts folders.

However, this may not be sufficient to fix your issue. You may also need to clear your browser, server, WordPress, and plugin caches. But starting with your Avada cache is a good and easy first step.

Here’s how to do it (screenshots below):

  1. Hover over ‘Avada‘ in the WordPress Dashboard sidebar.
  2. Select ‘Options‘ in the WordPress sidebar menu
  3. Now the Avada Global Options page will appear. Select ‘Performance‘ from the Avada Global Options sidebar menu.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of this page. In the ‘Reset Avada Caches’ section, select the ‘Reset Avada Caches’ button.

Done! You’ve now cleared your Avada cache. Open up your website in a new private browser tab and check if your changes are now reflecting. If not, try clearing other cache types.

If you have any Avada questions or suggestions for a new tutorial, drop a comment below.


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