Introducing the absurdity of the day.
File this under “selling ice to eskimos [online]” If you want to know what kills SEO it is often introversion. Website-self-centredness. Marveling at your pretty website with an AI chatbot instead of outside. What’s outside? Google search results –...What COVID Stats and Google Algo Updates Have in Common
A decade ago in my early years of SEO, I followed Google algo updates intensely and intently. It was much like the early weeks of COVID-19 in South Africa. Whenever the number of cases went up by 1 or 2 nationwide, it was literally breaking news. All the details of...Refer a Friend Website Programs in South Africa
Similar in many ways to affiliate marketing, “refer a friend” programs or referral marketing is a valid way to monetize and earn from your content, communication and social circles. For example, via your website, social media, influencer marketing, email...Protected: How to Install WordPress on Afrihost
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